Featured Guardians of Childhood: John Capps and Kelley Danis share why they support St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Visit Children’s MomDocs (a blog by mom physicians at St Louis Children’s Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine): http://bit.ly/2k3V2W2 Learn more about St. Louis Children’s Hospital – Find a Physician, Get Directions, Request an Appointment, See current
Month: January 2023
How I work at home with four kids, homeschool, and create family bliss! Everything You Need to Create a Family Life You Love 👉 www.PresentPlay.com (Doors close May 1!) Working at home with kids is difficult, no doubt, but how you cope with the stress of working from home with toddlers or babies will make
How old is too old for your child to be using pacifiers or thumbsucking? In this video, Dr. Emily Hahn, a pediatric dentist with St. Louis Children’s Hospital, explains why it’s essential to help your child end these habits by age three. Also, she offers tips for parents on how to successfully help your child
Wishing you a happy new year! #shorts