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All-about-me activities are a fun way for children to explore different aspects of themselves. It helps in drawing attention towards their personality, interests, and abilities. For example, they may notice the lines on their palm or the shape of their feet as part of these activities.
All-about-me activities for preschoolers help them realize their inner feelings and various emotions. These themed activities may help the child to accept and embrace themselves.
20 All-About-Me Preschool Activities
Here are 20 preschool all-about-me activities to begin with (1):
1. All-about-me books
You may read a few informative books such as “My Body,” “The Tooth Book,” “Parts,” and “All Of Me” for the little one. When you read out louder and show the body parts, it will help your toddler understand better.
2. All-about-me printables
This fun activity requires each child to have a sheet of paper that has a questionnaire such as “my palm”, “my body” and such questions related to their body. Ask your child to draw answers to each question. Now watch children make self-portraits, outlines of their palm, and foot and how they are fascinated by their body shapes.
3. All-about-me song
Teach your children a short song that talks about them. Here is one that you may try;
On my head,
I have two ears.
On my head,
I have a nose and mouth.
On my head,
I have my hair.
I also have my two eyes!
4. All-about-me packet
Take a sheet of paper and divide it into three sections. The first section can be used for a self-portrait, the second for “things I like to do”, and the third one for their “favorite toy”.
5. Photo puzzle
Print a picture of the child and cut it into strips horizontally. Now ask them to bring a board and reassemble these pieces in their original form.
6. Body outline drawing
This might become their favorite activity. Take a chart paper and ask children to paste it on the wall. Now ask them to pair up with their sibling or another child. One child has to stand against the chart paper and the other would draw their body’s outline. Once done, they may reverse roles and outline of the other.
7. Name writing with Lego bricks
For this activity, you will need some blocks or Lego bricks. Before performing this activity, let children practice writing their names on a piece of paper. Now tell them to write the same with the use of Lego bricks on the floor. See them shape each letter with these bricks to form their name. This activity can also be used to teach them new words and their spellings.
8. Name writing with dot stickers
Hand out some dot stickers to all the children. Ask them to write the letters of their name on each dot. Now ask them to assemble the letters in the right order of their name and stick it on the backside of their chairs.
9. ‘My body’ printable
For this activity, you will need some booklets. Give each child a booklet and tell them to draw their body parts separately in specific sections. You may read out the functions of each body part for the toddlers to learn about them.
10. Exploring fingerprints
Give each child a sheet of paper and ask them to gently press their finger into the inkpad and make a fingerprint impression on the sheet of paper. Once they finish forming impressions of all the fingers, you may ask them to compare the differences.
11. My body measurements
This activity is recommended only if the children are comfortable with it. Do not force them to participate. Give a measuring tape and a piece of paper to each child. Ask them to measure their body parts and write down the measurements on a piece of paper. Also, it may be done in privacy, as, not every child would be comfortable about their body shape or size and we must respect it.
12. Post-it name match
Write relations such as my mom, dad, brother, sister, and the other set of post-it stamps can be used for writing the names of each. Once the stamps are ready, ask the children to match the two post-it stamps and stick them together. Help them read the stamps so they know what is written on them. This activity will help them identify their parents and other family members.
13. Fingerprint name writing
Use a piece of paper and write their name on it. Tell the child to dip a finger in their choice of paint and fingerprint along the letters. This can help them learn the spelling of their name and also recognize the shape of each letter.
14. Find your name
Write the name of the child on a paper as the heading and then write all the 26 letters randomly everywhere on the paper. Now let the child find the letters of their name and circle them.
15. Play dough self-portrait
Give children some play dough and ask them to make their faces with it. Sounds fun, right! They may try making each part of their face such as the head, eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.
16. This-is-me collage
Make pairs of children to do this activity together. Ask one child to trace the outline of the other’s face on a piece of paper and vice versa. Now instruct the children to find objects around them to make their eyes, nose, ears and mouth. For example, they can use a button, beads, or any round shaped object to make their eyes. But make sure they don’t ingest or choke on those tiny objects.
17. Foot measurement
Ask the children to trace the outline of their foot on a paper. Now give them blocks to measure the length of their foot. This way you can also have a fun measurement unit. For example, the foot is five blocks long.
18. My favorite pet
Ask children to draw the picture of their favorite pet. For example, if their favorite pet is a dog, they may draw a picture of the dog and then talk about, what makes a dog their favorite pet.
19. My favorite color
Distribute white papers and some crayons among the toddlers. Ask them about their favorite color and draw things they see around them, in that color. For example, if there is a tree, chair, doll or anything else around them, they need to draw it on the paper using the color they choose.
20. My favorite place
Handover a sheet of paper and ask the child to draw the place they like the most. It could be a picture of their home, a park, toy shop, ice cream parlor or any other place they love the most.
With these hands-on activities, children can learn and get familiar with themselves and their surroundings. Let your little one practice all day and enjoy at the same time. And soon, learning can get better.