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Transitions and toddlers? Not dissimilar to apples and shoes. They just don’t always go together. Watch me put Dr Laura Markham of ahaparenting.com to the test with my glorious toddler-acting-skills.
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Huge peace and hope you guys like this!
Transitions. Aren’t they just the darndest things? Pulling a toddler away from his toys and getting him up for bath is something akin to climbing everest. Blindfolded. With no shoes. Or is it?
Watch me put Dr Laura Markham, of AhaParenting.com ‘s theories to the test: I act out my 3 year olds behaviors and she responds with her #peacefulparenting approach.
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↓↓↓Watch more from The Parenting Junkie↓↓↓
A Day in My Life (homeschooling 3 littles) → https://youtu.be/x2NBxw5cXkc
Play Space Design – The 3 Play Zones → https://youtu.be/E8ag-EDKqj4
Handling Tantrums with Dr. Laura Markham → https://youtu.be/mQrqRaNIA5g
The Play Toddlers Need – Schemas → https://youtu.be/hHzSj0eMbwM
Your Child HIT You? → https://youtu.be/OYwIG3nmYGQ
Goodbye “Good Job!” → https://youtu.be/L7oArVUe_Jo
How to Ignore Your Child → https://youtu.be/giOhozdaTKw
Should I Punish My Kids? → https://youtu.be/mmeZlu_s_rY
Labeling is Disabling → https://youtu.be/c7dkWZXBVgA
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