Month: June 2022

Several months ago, a lab technologist at Barnes-Jewish Hospital mixed the blood components of two people: Alphonso Harried, who needed a kidney, and Pat Holterman-Hommes, who hoped to give him one. The goal was to see whether Harried’s body would instantly see Holterman-Hommes’ organ as a major threat and attack it before surgeons could finish
Researchers have known for some time that maternal breast milk provides critical nutrients for newborns, and antibodies from mothers vaccinated against a specific disease-causing bacterium or virus can be transferred via breast milk to babies. Now a new preclinical study by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators shows that one specific set of antibodies that is induced
Transgender individuals are more likely to experience discrimination, isolation, and lack of social support. This, along with negative psychosocial challenges, such as being denied access to gender-neutral restrooms, combined with being a college student, and you have what associate professor of neurology, Shelley Hershner M.D., calls “a perfect storm” that can contribute to sleep disorders
The holidays are here. Time to make memories and enjoy traditions your children will remember for a lifetime. But first, you have to get to Grandma’s house. I’m a pediatrician and mom of two, and I have a few tried and true tricks to make the journey easier on everyone. Full disclosure: some of these
Is there such a thing as TOO safe? Sign up to my email list here: #peacefulparenting VLOG, BOOK & TOY RECOMMENDATIONS HERE: F A C E B O O K: (Cuz I post inspiring, uplifting things there!)… FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: Huge peace and hope you guys like this! NEVER MISS
Earlier this year, crawling—which was previously considered a milestone reached around 9 months—was removed from the CDC’s main milestone checklists for babies in the United States, to the surprise of many parents and paediatric development experts. Walking was also bumped forward to 18 months (instead of 12 months) and talking is now listed as a
I believed that dog adoption was a lifelong commitment and that only bad people give back pets—until my children’s safety was at risk. They called him a “foster fail.” My husband and I were graduate students when, of all the rescued greyhounds that had passed through our home as fosters, I decided to keep Axel,
Analyzing brain stem cells of patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Rutgers scientists have found evidence of irregularities in very early brain development that may contribute to the neuropsychiatric disorder. The findings support a concept scientists have long suspected: ASD arises early in fetal development during the period when brain stem cells divide to form
Several persistent yet nonspecific symptoms have been reported in individuals who have previously recovered from infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This phenomenon has been referred to as long coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), post-COVID syndrome, and post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC). Although no viral load is detected in these patients,